Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

Dipl.-Ing. Klemens Esterle


Guest Researcher

Room F237
Phone +49.89.3603522 593
Fax +49.89.3603522 50
Address fortiss GmbH
An-Institut Technische Universität München
Guerickestraße 25
80805 München
<Dipl.-Ing. Klemens Esterle>

Curriculum Vitæ

Klemens Esterle studied Mechatronics Engineering at the Technical University Dresden, where he graduated in 2014. He worked in various engineering projects in the automotive industry dealing with the modelling and simulation of electrical drives for electric and hybrid vehicles. In 2017, he joined fortiss as a staff researcher in the field of autonomous driving. His research deals with motion planning and machine learning for autonomous vehicles